Who Runs Bartertown

"Bust a Deal, Face the Wheel!"

So it went for Mad Max, and so it went for Kevin McCarthy in the Congressional version of Thunderdome. 

Mel knew he was in deep doo-doo when he failed to keep his deal with Tina. Likewise, Kevin knew after 14 ballots to become Speaker of the House, he was risking Gulag when he broke faith with the Freedom Caucus.

So he's out and the institutional GOPPERS and most media (even local talkers on WTVN "conservative" radio) are handwringing. 


The big complaint is directed at upstart Rep. Matt Gaetz of Florida for moving to vacate the Speaker (a rule Kevin McCarthy agreed to in January). They bray like lost sheep, "Matt, who do you want? What is the plan? How could you do this?"

Here's how and why.

The middle class common sense "wing" of America is sick and tired of the Porkopolis budgeting process where it's one big bitter pill we have to swallow every year. McCarthy promised regular order, meaning separate budgets for each part of the federal governemnt.

Our national debt is heading to $34 Trillion, an albatross around the necks of the country's children as yet unborn. Now I know radical Democrats don't care about the unborn, as they announce every day. But Republicans? McCarthy, what is wrong with you?

Shut the damned government down, fire legions of government slug workers, close useless departments that trample on civil rights, stare Stalin Joe down until he blinks or falls over, end corporate welfare and the Regulation State. Let the free market work again, supplying jobs, a high standard of living, and national security against foreign enemies.

Congress is "in chaos" and "dysfunctional" for a week or two? Good!

Nothing coming from compromise with the Democrats in the Senate or White House has done anything positive for us.

We are in a hot war with Russia, about to be in one with China, have deliberately open borders with 8 Million illegals known to have entered since Biden took office, have not prosecuted Biden, Biden Jr., or Mayorkas in anything approaching justice. We are spied upon, throttled in our speech, misled by health and defense officials about disease and international threats. We're told that fake women are women, that God doesn't exist so coaches and players can't worship, guns kill people not gunmen, criminals are victims and should redress false grievances by stealing less than $1000 per shoplifting trip. Black cops are white supremacists, people who advocate a balanced budget are "Nazis", and mathematics is racist. The words "mother, sister, and lady" are banished on the floor of Congress.

Hell, shut it down. 

The panicked voices of Fox News and NewsMax commentators sound just like AOC and Schumer crying about "How will anything get done?" "Who will do the people's business?"

Hey, nobody was doing the people's business before McCarthy - or during McCarthy. 

He was relying on Nancy Pelosi to supply the votes to overcome Gaetz's Eight, and true to form and in an act of poetic justice, Nancy screwed him and couldn't or wouldn't bail him out of Thunderdome.

Kevin, you're just a "Raggedy Man", a dissembler, and a fraud. Bust a deal. Face the wheel.

Maybe a new Master Blaster will run Barter Town. Maybe Jim Jordan. We'll see.

Meantime the CR to keep the staggering US Government functional is an IOU that should NOT BE PAID. Biden just announced $9 Billion in student loan abracadabra so adult young people can welch out on their promises, just like the Government welches out on us every day. 
Crash the budget, Jim, if you are the new Master Blaster.

Two men enter. One man leaves.

Genocide Cannot Beget Genocide


Complete The Wall